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    Private Policy
    Article 1 (Purpose)
    YouEarth Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") shall establish a personal information processing policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information") as follows in order to protect the information of individuals (hereinafter referred to as "users" or "individuals") who use the services the Company intends to provide (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Service"), and to comply with relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act, the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communication Network Act").
    Article 2 (Principle of Processing Personal Information)
    In accordance with the laws and regulations related to personal information and this policy, the company may collect the user's personal information, and the collected personal information may be provided to a third party only with the consent of the individual. However, if legally enforced by the provisions of laws and regulations, the company may provide the collected user's personal information to a third party without personal consent in advance.
    Article 3 (Disclosure of this Policy)
    1. The company is releasing this policy through the first screen of the company's website or the connection screen with the first screen so that users can easily check this policy at any time.
    2. When the company discloses this policy pursuant to paragraph 1, it will use the font size, color, etc. so that users can easily check this policy.
    Article 4 (Change of this Policy)
    1. This policy may be amended in accordance with laws, guidelines, notices related to personal information, or changes in the policies or contents of the government or company services.
    2. When the company revises this policy pursuant to paragraph (1), it shall notify it by one or more of the following methods.
    (1) Method of announcing the notice in the notice column on the first screen of the company's Internet homepage or through a separate window
    (2) Method of notifying users in writing, imitation transmission, e-mail, or similar methods
    (3) The company shall notify the announcement under paragraph (2) at least seven days before the effective date of the revision of this policy. However, if there is a significant change in user rights, it shall be notified at least 30 days in advance.
    Article 5 (Information for Providing Company Services)
    The company collects the following information to provide users with the company's services.
    1. Required Collection Information: Email Address, Name, and Contact
    Article 6 (How to Collect Personal Information)
    The company collects users' personal information in the following ways.
    1. How users enter their personal information on the company's homepage
    2. How users enter their personal information through services other than the company's homepage, such as applications
    3. Method of input by the user in the process of using the company's services, such as counseling at the customer center and activities on the bulletin board
    Article 7 (Use of Personal Information)
    The company uses personal information in the following cases.
    1. Where it is necessary for the operation of the company, such as the delivery of notices
    2. In the case of improving services to users, such as replying to user inquiries and handling complaints
    3. To provide the company's services
    4. Where it is intended to prevent and sanction acts that interfere with the smooth operation of services, including restrictions on the use of members who violate laws and corporate terms and conditions, and acts of illegal use
    5. For new service development
    6. For marketing such as event and event guidance, etc
    7. For demographic analysis, service visits and analysis of usage records
    Article 8 (Period of retention and use of personal information)
    1. The company holds and uses personal information about users during the period to achieve the purpose of collecting and using personal information.
    2. Despite the preceding paragraph, the company keeps records of fraudulent use of services for up to one year from the time of membership withdrawal in order to prevent fraudulent subscription and use.
    Article 9 (Period of retention and use of personal information under Acts and subordinate statutes)
    The company holds and uses personal information as follows in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
    1. Retention information and retention period under the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, etc
    (1) Records on withdrawal of contracts or subscriptions: 5 years
    (2) Records on payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
    (3) Records on consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years
    (4) Display and advertisement records: 6 months
    2. Retention information and retention period under the Communications Secret Protection Act
    (1) Website log records: 3 months
    3. Retention information and retention period under the Electronic Financial Transactions Act
    (1) Records on electronic financial transactions: 5 years
    4. Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information
    (1) Record of personal location information: 6 months
    Article 10 (Principle of Destruction of Personal Information)
    In principle, the company will destroy the information without delay if it does not need personal information, such as achieving the purpose of processing the user's personal information and the expiration of the retention and use period.
    Article 11 (Procedures for Destroying Personal Information)
    1. Information entered by users for membership registration will be transferred to a separate DB after the purpose of processing personal information is achieved (a separate document box in the case of paper) and stored for a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws and regulations (see retention and use period).
    2. The company destroys personal information that has caused the reason for destruction through the approval process of the person in charge of personal information protection.
    Article 12 (Method of Destroying Personal Information)
    The company deletes personal information stored in the form of electronic files using a technical method that cannot be reproduced, and destroys personal information printed on paper through a shredder or incineration.
    Article 13 (Measures for Transmission of Advertisement Information)
    1. When the company transmits advertising information for commercial purposes using an electronic transmission medium, it obtains explicit prior consent from the user. However, prior consent is not obtained in any of the following cases
    (1) Where the company collects contact information directly from the recipient through the transaction relationship of goods, etc., and intends to transmit advertising information for commercial purposes for goods, etc. of the same kind as those processed by the company and traded with the recipient within six months from the date the transaction is terminated
    (2) Where a telephone solicitor under the Door-to-Door Sales, etc. Act notifies the recipient of the source of personal information and makes telephone solicitation
    2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the recipient expresses his intention to refuse to receive or withdraws his/her prior consent, the company will not transmit commercial information for commercial purposes and will notify the result of the rejection and withdrawal of consent.
    3. Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the company shall obtain separate prior consent from the recipient when transmitting commercial information for commercial purposes using an electronic transmission medium from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. the following day.
    4. When the company transmits advertising information for commercial purposes using electronic transmission media, the following matters shall be specifically disclosed in the advertising information.
    (1) Company name and contact information
    (2) Indication of matters concerning the declaration of refusal to receive or withdrawal of consent to receive
    5. The company shall not take any of the following measures when transmitting advertising information for commercial purposes using electronic transmission media.
    (1) Measures to avoid or obstruct the rejection or withdrawal of consent from the recipients of advertising information
    (2) Measures to automatically create the recipient's contact information, such as phone number and e-mail address, by combining numbers, symbols, or characters
    (3) Measures to automatically register telephone numbers or e-mail addresses for the purpose of transmitting advertising information for commercial purposes
    (4) Various measures to hide the identity of the sender of advertising information or the source of advertising transmission
    (5) Various measures to induce a reply by deceiving the recipient for the purpose of transmitting advertising information for commercial purposes
    Article 14 (Protection of Children's Personal Information)
    1. The company allows membership registration only for users over the age of 14 to protect the personal information of children under the age of 14.
    2. Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if the user is a child under the age of 14, the company shall obtain consent from the child's legal representative to collect, use, provide, etc. personal information of the child.
    3. In the case of Paragraph 2, the company additionally collects the legal representative's name, date of birth, gender, duplicate registration verification information (ID), and mobile phone number.
    Article 15 (Withdrawal of Consent to Inquiry and Collection of Personal Information)
    1. Users and legal representatives may inquire or modify their registered personal information at any time and request withdrawal of consent to collect personal information.
    2. In order for users and legal representatives to withdraw their consent to collect their subscription information, the company will take action without delay if they contact the person in charge of personal information protection or the person in charge by writing, phone, or e-mail address.
    Article 16 (Change of Personal Information, etc.)
    1. Users can request the company to correct errors in their personal information through the method described in the preceding article.
    2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the company does not use or provide personal information until the correction of personal information is completed, and if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, the correction will be made by notifying the third party without delay.
    Article 17 (Obligation of User)
    1. Users must keep their personal information up-to-date, and the user himself is responsible for the problems caused by the user's inaccurate information input.
    2. Membership registration that steals other people's personal information may result in loss of user qualification or punishment under related personal information protection laws.
    3. Users are responsible for maintaining the security of e-mail addresses, passwords, etc., and cannot transfer or lend them to third parties.
    Article 18 (Company's Personal Information Management)
    The company is taking necessary technical and administrative protection measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, tampered with, or damaged in processing users' personal information.
    Article 19 (Processing of Deleted Information)
    The company processes personal information canceled or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative as specified in the "Preservation and Use Period of Personal Information" collected by the company and prevents it from being viewed or used for other purposes.
    Article 20 (Encryption of passwords)
    The user's password is stored and managed by one-way encryption, and personal information can only be checked and changed by the person who knows the password.
    Article 21 (Measures to Prepare for Hacking, etc.)
    1. The company is doing its best to prevent users' personal information from being leaked or damaged by intrusion into information and communication networks such as hacking and computer viruses.
    2. The company uses the latest vaccine program to prevent leakage or damage of users' personal information or data.
    3. The company is doing its best to ensure security by using an intrusion prevention system in case of an emergency.
    4. The company makes it possible to safely transmit sensitive personal information (if you collect and hold it) on the network through encryption communication.
    Article 22 (Minimization and Education of Personal Information Processing)
    The company limits the number of people in charge of handling personal information to a minimum, and emphasizes compliance with laws and internal policies through administrative measures such as training personal information controllers.
    Article 23 (Measures against personal information leakage, etc.)
    When the company becomes aware of the loss, theft, or leakage of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "leakage, etc."), it shall notify the relevant user of all of the following matters without delay and report them to the Korea Communications Commission or the Korea Internet & Security Agency.
    1. Personal information items that have been leaked, etc
    2. The time of the spill, etc
    3. Measures that users can take
    4. Measures to Respond to Information and Communication Service Providers, etc
    5. Department and contact information for users to receive counseling, etc
    Article 24 (Exception of measures against personal information leakage, etc.)
    The company may replace the notice of the previous article by posting it on the company's website for more than 30 days if there is a legitimate reason, such as not knowing the user's contact information despite the previous article.
    Article 25 (Protection of Personal Information Transferred to Foreign Countries)
    1. The company does not enter into an international contract with respect to the user's personal information that violates related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.
    2. The company shall obtain consent from the user if it intends to provide (including inquiries) the user's personal information abroad, entrust the processing, and store (hereinafter referred to as "transfer"). Provided, That if all matters referred to in the subparagraphs of paragraph (3) of this Article are disclosed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Personal Information Protection Act, or notified to the user in accordance with the method prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as electronic mail, they may not go through the consent procedure according to the consignment and storage of personal information.
    3. In order to obtain consent pursuant to the main text of Paragraph 2 of this Article, the Company shall notify the user of all of the following matters in advance.
    (1) Personal Information Items to be Transferred
    (2) Country where personal information is transferred, date and time of transfer and method of transfer
    (3) The name of the person receiving the personal information (referring to the name and contact information of the information management officer if it is a corporation)
    (4) Purpose of use of personal information and the period of possession and use of personal information by the person receiving the transfer of personal information
    4. When the company transfers personal information abroad with the consent under the main sentence of paragraph 2 of this Article, it shall take protective measures as prescribed by relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act and the Presidential Decree.
    Article 26 (Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices)
    1. The company uses an automatic personal information collection device (hereinafter referred to as "cookie") that stores and fetches usage information from time to time to provide users with individual customized services. Cookies are a small amount of information sent by servers (https) used to operate websites to users' web browsers (including PCs and mobile devices) and are sometimes stored in users' storage space.
    2. Users have the option of installing cookies. As a result, users can allow all cookies by setting options in a web browser, go through a check each time they are saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
    3. However, if you refuse to save your cookies, some of the company's services that require login may be difficult to use.
    Article 27 (Method of Designating Allowance for Cookie Installation)
    You can set up settings such as Allow Cookies, Block Cookies, etc. through Web browser options settings.
    1. Edge: Settings menu at the top right of the Web browser > Cookies and Sites Permissions > Manage and Delete Cookies and Sites Data
    2. Chrome: Settings menu at the top right of Web browser > Privacy and Security > Cookies and other site data
    3. Whale: Settings menu at the top right of the web browser > Privacy > Cookies and other site data
    Article 28 (Designation of a Company's Personal Information Protection Officer)
    1. In order to protect users' personal information and to deal with complaints related to personal information, the company designates relevant departments and personal information protection officers as follows.
    1. Privacy Commissioner
    (1) Name: Shin Young-gyun
    (2) Position: Representative
    (3) Phone number: 070-4283-8439
    (4) 이메일: youngkyun.shin@youearthinc.com
    Article 29 (Method of remedy for infringement of rights and interests)
    1. In order to receive relief due to personal information infringement, the data subject may apply for dispute resolution or counseling to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, etc. For other reports and counseling of personal information infringement, please contact the following agencies.
    (1)Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without country code) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr )
    (2)Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center: (without country code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr )
    (3)Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 1301 (www.spo.go.kr )
    (4)National Police Agency: 182 (ecrm.cyber.go.kr )
    2. The company guarantees the data subject's right to self-determination of personal information and strives to provide counseling and relief for damage caused by personal information infringement, and if you need to report or consult, please contact the department in charge of paragraph 1.
    3. A person who has been infringed on rights or interests due to a disposition or omission made by the head of a public institution against a request under Articles 35 (reading personal information), 36 (correction and deletion of personal information), and 37 (suspension of processing of personal information) of the Personal Information Protection Act may request an administrative trial as prescribed by the Administrative Trial Act.
    1. Central Administrative Appeals Commission: (without country code) 110 (www.simpan.go.kr )
    Supplementary Provisions
    Article 1 This policy will come into effect on January 01, 2024.